The Sanctity of life- Africa we are on our Own

During my 21 days of
fasting that ended on 22nd January 2015, I learnt a few lessons that
seem to be obvious yet run so deep. First we are all human in body that traps
our soul and imagination. Secondly of
more importance we must constantly seek to maintain the harmony between the
body, mind and soul. Thirdly we cannot in certainty predict what will happen in
the next second owing to the sophistication of our technology yet natural and man-made
calamities strike at will any time anywhere. No guarantees.
With this in mind,
surely human being is bended towards evil more than the truth. We tend to
gravitate more to satisfy our egos and justify our position right or wrong. The
New Year 2015 opened with shuttered dreams of many. In Nigeria, Boko Haram the
terror Jihadist in West Africa mercilessly butchered over 2000 people.
The accounts, reported by Nigeria's Premium Times newspaper,
were given by villagers who fled the carnage in and around Baga, a town in
Borno state that lies in the northeastern corner of Nigeria near the border
with Chad. The killing unfolded over several days after Boko Haram fighters
seized a key military base there on Jan. 3.
In France a fiercely armed to the teeth terrorist
brothers and associates swept through Paris in an orgy of killing in the name
of ‘god’ leaving 17 dead and dozens wounded.
The manner in which the
two events similar in nature were narrated and given prominence in media left a
lot to be desired. While both were acts of global terrorism, the world was more united in
Paris than in Nigeria where 2000 lives were massacred. The question begs, how
different is life lost in Africa compared to the other part of the world? The
global community congregated in Paris and solidarity was shown across the Atlantic
all the way to Rio. Other big cities held demonstration in support of Paris while
little or no support was shown to African brothers in Nigeria and previously elsewhere
in Africa.
Thousands have been
killed through terrorism in Africa. There was the Kenya mall terrorism attack
that claimed over 60 lives, hundreds were injured in the attack. On 22nd November 2014, Al-Shabaab gunmen attacked a bus traveling
from Mandera to Nairobi, killing 28 persons, mostly teachers and government
workers heading to Nairobi for the December holidays. As if this is not enough on
2nd December 2014, Al-Shabaab militants attacked and killed a further 36 quarry
workers, many of whom were non-Muslims, near Mandera Town. All this coordinated
attacks were carried by Al-Shabaab terrorist group based Somalia that claimed responsibility.
We did not see demonstrations in different parts of globe yet all of those
killed in Kenya attacks alone were Christians. Kenya to Mali, Nigeria to Libya
all in the name of religion? We haven’t seen demonstrations. That’s why I love
God and fear religion. It is unfortunate and disheartening in my humble opinion
that Africa has been by design or fate turned in battle zones and land of
statistics from slavery, colonialism and now more ardent the neo-scramble for
the remaining dwindling minerals and resources. Totally in disregard and
respect of sanctity of life.
While it is a good
gesture and of honor to show solidarity and support, The manner in which it is selectively offered
with gloves and blinks of an eye shows how the world despises anything African.
wider global community other than Africa seems to suggest that it’s ‘ok’
thousand to die in Africa and not pay close attention than acts of similar
nature but of ‘few ‘loss of life elsewhere. This is double standards. There is
a Swahili saying“Akufukuzae hakwambiitoka”. He who evicts you does not ask you
to move out, he evicts you. Africa we are on our own.
By Njoroge wa Ngige. 012115.
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