The Real Estate Woman:
These Kenyan women are in the ‘fundamentals’
categories. The investment. Real deal no
pretense vibe. Sophistication is their one word description. You will waste
your time and energy trying to convince her in your third rate borrowed
seduction language. She has been tested in hostile mine fields of Sahara desert
dating game and in the freezing temperatures of snow caped Kilimanjaro and Mt.
Kenya simultaneously not losing her composure, cool and temperament. Do not
forget, very verily I tell you for free she is still an active Nyiragongo
mountain in Congo and if need be she can melt you with lava and disseminate you
like molten iron at will. She may turn you to her unforgivable wrath statue of
salt at will after burning you like Sodom and Gomora without a twitch of her smoldering
loving unsmothering wrinkle line. In her
terrain she has detonated enough improvised Explosive love devises (IELD)
without any visible scratch. In other words “Ni Mutumia wene”. She knows her
terrain and battle ground.
he has been taken and fortified. The way she handles his man
is like she had been in a refresher course while her man was still in high
seas. She will deflate you like a slow puncture and discard you like ‘Koroboi’
can light in other words of deeper Gikuyu like ‘Kanyitira kahorokeire rutambi’.
She will not entertain nonsense. She might give you time just to get
entertained by your oblivious ‘nonsense’ a by the way by-pass information. Her
class is sophisticated, Educated and in her realm of her own right. She calculates
her moves, does her math, and you will be lucky if you can sustain a five
minute constructive conversation with her. Not unless she deliberately allows
that. She multitasks as you think about
your wallet, she will be ahead of the game and order for a double on the rocks,
just for an incognito friend with no trace as she waits for her man to close
the final deal. “Women who love themselves are threatening; but men who love
real women, more so.”{ Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth}. Yes, she will gladly introduce
you to her man like meet Jose’, we just met and he has been keeping me company
and talking sporadic topical issues. At the
back of her mind she is in essence insinuating without your otherwise ignorant ‘knowledge’
‘Indeed Jose has been more dramatic and less specific in global warming’.
uch is the Kenyan global woman every man envisions but you
got to kiss so many frogs along the way. She does not only possess brains but
also beauty ‘naharingi’. In her own sober right she knows “There is nothing
more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself;
comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of
beauty.” {Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the
Human Experience} A real estate woman is loyal and respectful, knowledgeable
and considerate. You provided a house but she provides a home and many more
that we know from such saying.
ny man who is in this real world of such woman has concurred many
visible and invisible battles, treacherous successive winter blizzards and shattering
Tornados along the way, and still left him standing with a solid smile. “Sadly,
the signals that allow men and women to find the partners who most please them
are scrambled by the sexual insecurity initiated by beauty thinking. A woman
who is self-conscious can't relax to let her sensuality come into play. If she
is hungry she will be tense. If she is "done up" she will be on the
alert for her reflection in his eyes. If she is ashamed of her body, its
movement will be stilled. If she does not feel entitled to claim attention, she
will not demand that airspace to shine in. If his field of vision has been
boxed in by "beauty"--a box continually shrinking--he simply will not
see her, his real love, standing right before him.” {Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth} But if you are
led by the spirit like me you will by now realize your ‘Real Estate Woman’ is
indeed the Biblical psalmist woman.
She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her
household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her
clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth
among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and
delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and
she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in
her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her
household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and
call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have
done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty
is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of
the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates” Proverbs
31:21-31. King James Version (KJV) Bible.
Such is the Kenyan woman you will meet in Vegas.
By Njoroge Wa Ngige 013115.
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