Africa: Postponing
her Success
The world has its own
pains. All the acts performed in this world begin with imagination.
We must dream. Dream reality not fantasy. May be the only thing you have ever known is
Pain. Because you have always felt pain, you experience is painful. We become children of our own experiences,
circumstance and forbearers mistakes that we were so lazy to correct because we
were busy paying our usual bills and filing taxes. Nothing will change even
after tax returns! It’s a cycle, an obvious vicious cycle. The economy is
designed to keep us busy like robots. This way we can’t think, reflect on life
or meditate on the present. In short the pause button has been far much removed
from our midst. We have been hoodwinked that hard work is the only way to
success. Incase no body noticed most of our African mothers are hardworking
individuals. Ladies Can I hear some noise in the house. Indeed I can’t match
the resilience of my own mom, fetching water from a 3 mile seasonal stream. Going
to the fields to tend for crops after school, fetching firewood and finishing
her homework as well. She must be a trillion rich ‘if hard work truly pays’. But alas! She still cry’s for the trouble of knowing
otherwise. Now she is asking for forgiveness. The world broke her heart. Most of the today’s women they will melt and
tweet on their way before drawing one bucket of water. Not because they are incapable
but the modern world is promising something farfetched than reality. Updating
your Facebook status is not success neither is it production. Not that it is
bad but Its being busy for the wrong reason. We need to update our minds and equally
our pockets will have some loose change to tip the waiter, and shine our shoes
at the bus stops of life.
I doubt very
few modern overly ‘socialite’ men can have the humility to be stung by bees in
pitch darkness just to harvest a bucket full of pure natural honey for the
health of their families. That is hard work or what would you call it? It is
HARD WORK Period. I am not trying to be funny but you know what, truth is always
the first casualty of pure lies. The answer ‘lies’ in production. For All the
ages, deliberate predetermined economics have made us slaves of consumerism. Tell
me in present day and age how on earth Africa produces the finest Robusta and
aromatic Arabica coffee but the populace in Africa can’t afford a cup of world
class blend of coffee. Modern day slavery works like jigsaw, produce the raw
material we make the finished goods, and we make you pay through the nostrils
to afford the final produce. 21st century global village economics
of dignity assassination. You will spend hours juggling for options but without
production your chances of survival are purely limited if not fast running out.
Africa must rethink its path of providing the world with
raw materials, and then to be traded back as finished goods with exorbitant prices.
Africa must produce her own finished goods for her people and sell the surplus to
the rest of the word. To attain success we
must breath eat and talk production. Africa is the hunted bride we must become
the hunter of the pride, prize and the lost glory for we have experienced for
long the true feelings of post traumatic economic stress disorder (PTESD) of the hunted. Over
the ages Africa has been threatened, warned of dire consequences if she chooses
a different more promising political
path and always been abandoned on the fire side. Let’s not jump to the frying pot and fry ourselves
with our own oil of ignorance and corruption. Africa has developed economic
fever of takeoff. Nothing can stop Africa from takeoff; the rest of the world
knows that but its plying the chess game while it’s already on check mate.
We met this
world rotating on its axis and it’s still revolving on her orbital path. We can’t
change that to first pay our bills; sort our internal differences and regular social-political
challenges. We can’t necessarily stop the sun so that we be ready for takeoff. Time
is of essence and waits for no king. As they say today is the tomorrow we
worried yesterday. The worst impediment it’s not we lacked but we lacked
motivation to push us through tribulations for the hope of better tomorrow. We seek
the easy way out to be comfortable for a while, as we postpone our tragedies.
Original hard work production: By Njoroge wa Ngige
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