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Time to Rise

You are frightened by the greatness of Gods power in tigers eyes, You haven't seen mine yet made in His own image! I am not wor...

Friday, 2 December 2016

4 Reasons: Why horrible Pastors make you poor!

4 Reasons:
Why horrible Pastors make you poor!

I miss the days when Sundays was looked with awe and not lost in reveries.  When Sunday was all smiles and genuine Christian laughter. I miss the days when going to church was cool and part of cultural fabric interwoven in our DNA. The days when you looked forward to spiritual reawakening and genine confession of sins. I miss the days when going to church was not out of fear, showoff  or dreaded frustration of one day having descent burial or  dignified diaspora send off .  I miss the days when going to church you were shy of approaching the Holy of holies (The Tabernacle) the Alter or facing God with dry blood shot eyes and defilement of purity of heart. In my interaction within and outside the church I have come to this four basic conclusions why we have so many horrible pastors that leave us far much poorer spiritually and financially broke every Sunday we attend “their church”.

1.     Building their “Little” Kingdom – You will be tricked to believe you are genuinely helping advance building Gods Kingdom. In essence they are shamelessly building their earthly mansions, golf courses and expanding private run ways. Before the tithe, they will whip your emotions with fear of not giving.  They will quote conveniently an array of memorized scriptures from the Holy Bible just to make you give dreadfully (fear of not going to Hell) as opposed to cheerfully.  

The will indeed invoke the name of God of Exodus how He will rain brimstone of fire in your wallet and business lightning’s tsunamis after waves endeavors if you don’t give.  They will in conjunction with the choir, the clumsy choirmaster and the worship team conspires to induce you with a crescendo of ‘psychedelic’ angelic music characterized by a profound sense of intensified false sensory perception of a “Cheerful giver”.

Your fellow Christian in the same pew will make sure they see whether you dip in the bowl of life in their sinful hawkish eye.  They will watch you with awe! With a feel good attitudinal smile like a slow puncture in winter. Woe unto you if the church you attend must make single file to the holy Dias to “graciously give”. In the end they will summarize their prosperity gospel with “you are poor because you don’t give”. 

This is indeed a distorted theology since we cannot bribe God. Even though we are co-copters in the kingdom of God (Meaning you have to do something on your part) however, God cannot abandon you in the hour of need. But remember, He, the God almighty abandoned his beloved son Jesus in the hour of need on the cross for the sake of you and me. On our part we are adopted sons and daughters and God does not expect all of us to behave the same.  That’s why He (God) provides the sacrament of forgiveness freely i-regardless of your fake pastor. Known as Toba’ from where I come from.   

Now, There was this West African Pastor that I once attended ‘his’ church. (not ‘Ours’ remember),  whenever a church denotes your pastors name more than that of Jesus Christ, the reason something is terribly wrong. (Now you ask why you haven’t seen me in your pastor’s church of late—because I anonymously attend Catholic mass daily without qualms, show off or quakes not because I agree with all Catholicism but because of sanctity of faith). The West African pastor, His Church was in Hamburg, Germany, “Soul’s paradise’ of some sort if you ask them. I was 21 years Kenyan  old in Germany- Europe (don’t ask how old I am now, just know I am your old uncle, a sage aging gracefully in the land of free in faith, you right! like the damn old wine).

 I remember very well I was driven against my will by my Hawk eyed revival Pentecostal filled Aunt Elizabeth who drove me 40 miles in cold winter to give to the shadow way fictitious paperless pastor the ordained Sabbath ‘tithe’. Yes, you are right again, he was deported in the summer of the following year.  I am glad you are following this story; I can see you nodding your head as if to acknowledge it’s as if I am in your mind. It’s like video, cinema, movie unfolding right before us.  Most of us are reserved not to rattle the feathers lest we are viewed indifferent.” Un-Conforming “Christians if you like.

Back to our original story. The congregation kept giving the deutsche marks as they were once known before the advent of Euro. The dude (Fake Pastor) was building a palatial house with a swimming pool on top as the roof in his ancestral home in Nigeria.  He made his fortune out of our own ignorance. I don’t blame him, but all in God’s name. Now as write this I fondly remembered many will come in my Name. It was too late. I had been faithfully constitutionally coned before the fall of the Berlin wall.  

Now to more pertinent pressing question. When last did you receive annual or half year audited financial report as a cheerful giver in your church? Please I beg, do not answer this rhetorical question, kindly continue giving cheerfully but remember faith without reason is dead.

2.     The Glue – Your pastor if you ask him tomorrow thinks he is the one making you go to church. Most Horrible pastors assume you need them more than you need God.  They take the role of God and remove him in your daily life as they remotely control your decisions and sanity.  Some of them also think you have never had foundational faith, especially if you are a diaspora from Africa living abroad.  They forgot that your God has always guided you across the Atlantic Ocean, the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea, even before you met them in their giving give prosperity sermons.
3.     The Building VS Body of Christ- the expansionist pastor thinks a mega big church translates in fortunes. Now you have a big church in form of a building so what next? People must give to sustain the rising cost of maintaining the building as opposed to maintaining their souls.  Need I go further you ask?

4.     Pride & Selfishness: There is a general consensus while writing this blog that your pastor hates the Pastor next door. Yes you heard me right. You don’t want to think of your pastors a human being with shortcomings like you and me. Pastors are not immune to self-destructive attitudes.   There is an arrogance that assumes their way of doing church business is the right way. The reason why they are afraid of forming and molding other upcoming junior pastors lest they take over to poison their “followers’ to form a true church. They cockily consciously don’t perpetuate leadership in their congregation they preach fear and personality cult worship.  Now you know where your pastor’s church is.

By NJoroge wa Ngige – 120116-0400hrs

Friday, 11 November 2016

From these Dusty roads, we Rose!

From these Dusty roads, we Rose!

I miss the roar of the equator tropical sun,
I miss the social pavements of Nairobi
I miss the juicy joints of Nyamachoma
Kept the pangs of hunger at bay
The dusty roads of Kawangware
The meandering seasonal rivers of Kangemi
Where I used to clean-shine my only pair of shoes
The never ending stream of hawkers
Hip-hopping jump the open gutters with the daily sludge
And the dreaded city Kanju in hot pursuit
The hate-love between Muthii and Konda,
The blurring honks of the latest Nganya,
The new Kenyan anthem.

See, when I was 12, I used to buy Mahindi choma by the road side
When I was 18, I drunk Supu and Mutura at Hakanyua
I wanted to be a monk at 21, but I was swept by innocent love
My body mimicked lightning, the natural thunderstorms of clumsiness
And I was swallowed by the eye of the storm.
A prophetic profound storm,

From these dusty roads we rose,
Having walked on foot half of our lives,
So let me ride my limousine in tranquility,
For we all have stories, This is my story,

This and that happened, this and that is no more.

By Njoroge wa ngige 111116-15:30

Friday, 29 July 2016

Kenyans: Stop Burning Schools

Stop Burning Kenyan Schools



Woha mbigiga wathii kwanyu, woha mirigo ngikuiga thii.
Kuria mbere ti gukorooka, mwambiriro muru no wa itimu
Woinira ngoma ritho riaki, ukimenyamega ti kamwana
Njira kuria uguthii utakorio, tu utuikire mbogo ya nduiiki

Ndagura maguta, ukehaka muhu
Ukimota guoa ndi na guoa
Wendo tigokomba ndakombete
Uhoragia ta nyitira njare
Kana ndubia iregete cukari
Ukahuhia ta munyi umunye

Ati gwakwa ndikaiginira tundu niwanjigananirie
Ukai na mutigoke na kuria ndii, Ici niiregete mitheko
Ugetua gacau bembe cihuriti ikumbi
Ugathii uturumiti ituramiro
Ta muchemi guchema, riu  niwakora mukungi
Nyita na ndukoe, ukungunda unjathimuri-hechyoo!

Ngukuria ngutanuke ta marigo meru
Macio waigite muhohio riu ni meruha
Uhana ta uthuri wa thenge tharuku, ukihiuha ta waru ya ngorofu
Ukigia na rwamba ta njegeni, nanii kigimbi gikumia njoya
Riu kinyia na hau tucamanagie mung’etho na ndukanang’ethere ta thegere.
Utuikanie ng’ongo na ng’ongo, wehugura utuika ria cumbi

By Njoroge wa Ngige 072916   0617

Friday, 13 May 2016

Dribbles of life

#‎Reinvent_Thyself‬ We only have one life on earth, no rehearsals just live it! But of course responsibly. 'Wapakuliwe washibe' .some of my fans doubted that i can dribble or 'pepeta' as we used to call it back home in Kenya. Point of correction though, this is football 101 not soccer hahahah. Alvin Ochanda Kegoko no more doubts. Its all in our mind. I challenge you to post your life dribbles here. We all have different life drilling situations. If you cant dribble drop it and watch it roll (sometimes you need that to strategically live to dribble another day) but to dribble you must dribble. No two ways about it. As I did this I Just remember that we all have a ball called life. It is in your hands.Its up to you to play your game, you chose your own league, when, where, how and with whom to play with. The why according to me is more spiritual, you will have to connect with your God or gods. Some people are still dribbling other people's balls, I know you are laughing because that sound funny. Its not funny! Struggle is real. Be real. Its a high time you get your own ball. All the patches you see on my ball represents different stages in life. You will have to paint your ball the way you want. (just remember sometimes we all have same problems but give them different names) You will have also to inflate your ball the way want. You can deflate it if it suits your self too. You can kick your ball as high as you want, or just watch it stagnant on the ground. You can also out of your own foolishness and ignorance give your ball to undeserving soul to play with it, or better still hide it from public eye. You can also decide to be extreme, cut open your ball and fill it with any kind of garbage and intoxicates of life. Just remember this, The sun shines for the King and the subjects too. The sinners and the saints. this is wisdom from the heart for my mind is still dribbling. Wish you success and joy as you decide. God Guidance and Protection. 

Friday, 29 April 2016


‪#‎Reinvent_Thyself‬ We are One.If you understand Kenyan Gikuyu Language Watch this Powerful video that I was Interviewed, conducted in Kansas City in April 23, 2016 by Jeremy Damaris Mc.of Kikuyu Diaspora Television USA. Your Thoughts are also welcome. samngigeblog.wordpress.com samngige.blogspot.com 

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Soul Mates

For the shallow minded this is not lover’s corners and I love you sweetheart what views. Keep that for the next spring season.  I am not insulting you or intentionally piecing you off. I am very romantic man (don’t ask me how I know that). Today I am playing salsa with black rock Russian laureate of matters corruption. I am not high. I am hemming you in, rudely shockingly telling the truth of self-entrepreneurship grandiose as it is down in Kenya.  I know the ‘most’ holies of holies patriots will be in the roof tops trumpeting how un-Kenyan I am. Be it as it may be Jesus rose in the third day. I am not Jesus, But His gospel before and after Calvary inform and form me every day.  I am an angry hard working Kenyan Patriot.

Nobody changes the world singlehandedly even omnipotence God the Almighty he knows very well he can do anything alone if he wishes to. However, God the father in his noble everlasting glory chose to involve God the son, God the Holy Spirit and all the heavenly Angles  in realizing his creation project by invoking the proverbial team phrase  “Let us Make Man in our own Image”. (Let us Create Man). Have you noticed that before creation of man God was saying let there be light and voila the light appears.. Separate the day and night, dry land and oceanic waters, plants and animals and so on and so forth as recorded in the Book of Genesis.   And God said, "Let the earth bring forth all kinds of living creatures, cattle and creeping things and wild beasts." And it was done. So God made all the different kinds of wild beasts, and the cattle, and everything that crawls upon the ground. And God saw that it was good.  When it came to man he paused and intentionally involved the heavenly family.  At this point don’t get me wrong in my narrow thinking I wish God had said let there be man. I wish man was the every creature that crawls upon the ground and not sink the Titanic in the deep sea. In essence Man is this jealous, proud corrupt, difficult creature and everything in between.  It is worth to note that before God created man he provided the means to support man on earth ie: the environment.

In Jesus Ministry, Jesus constituted a cabinet of 12 disciples; Jesus table fellowship with his followers was an important feature of his ministry. It’s not a coincident or a by the way that Jesus commissioned the 12 disciples. He called them, taught and prepared them until graduation.  Jesus intention was to engineer a team that will help him take the gospel to the very end of the world.  Well as we read further (Matt: 11: 18- Matt 9:10-13; Luke 7; 11:37-52; 14:1-24) and some of Jesus parables have to do with a feast or feasting. 19; Luke 7:33-34) unlike John the Baptist Jesus took pleasure in eating and drinking.  Several times in the gospels especially in Luke, a meal is the setting for important teaching of Jesus. While Jesus fed the hungry multitude, in Kenya the hungry, protect and feed the supper rich corrupt individuals.  
In contrast the Kenyan ‘leasers’ by and large are feasting and dining with corruption day in day out. Kenya is predominantly a Christian country. why in God’s name are Christians corrupt and they jam in our churches with a hot testimony that can’t wait next nearest coming of Jesus Christ-The Messiah.  

The Biblical David selected and assembled strongest men in the land to defeat the enemies. Likewise The Mau Mau comprised of great Kenyan worriers who defeated the colonial masters Great Britain. Presently the corruption ghost is annihilating generations of Kenyans. Steve jobs, Bill gates, Barack Obama, Mwai Kibaki all changed the fortunes of their respective economies by involving a trustworthy team. I don’t have a problem with you. I have a problem with your world.  A pretentious, extravagant, flamboyant, splashy, high-flown world.  A showy, ostentatious, pretentious conspicuous outward display, either designed to attract attention or likely to do so. I am referring to our filthy corruption.  Your guess is as good as mine. We are doomed, duped and as high as kite.  

Chased Banks

My robed friend told me. “In great sorrow, in great depression leaders are born”.  In every 12 Kenyans I have talked to in the last four weeks 3 had their hard earned dollars money in the fallen favorite kid on the block the Chase bank. This bank chased their dreams. Smoked them alive. I don’t blame the banks wholly but Kenyans in diaspora we are not only gullible but highly gullible.  All the Kenyans Bank merchants know very well the Diaspora is gullible. Ask yourself these questions, every bank or Sacco is maliciously targeting diasporas’ for their selfish end? Why the rogue financial institutions have succeeded to rape our backyard? It’s simply because the Diaspora Kenyan is not organized.  I have asked in different fora why on earth are Kenyan churches in diaspora keep growing in expense of the Kenyan masses economic might. The Kenyan Diaspora churches simply don’t care about how you invest your cash back home as long as you tithe endlessly to eternity every Sunday a prophetic diplomatic prosperity gospel of some kind. To make the matters worse we have numerous visiting evangelists who lecture us in the name of preaching and presence of the open microphone. The Kenyan Diaspora church is under threat from infestation of so called guest speakers almost every Sunday. We don’t need speakers we want our own communicators, we demand our church and pastors back. Our local Pastors, Preach to us talk to us, protect us from the bombardment and invasion of our churches that we have tirelessly formed. Just remember you exist because we are available. The Diaspora Pulpit must be jealously protected and guarded otherwise we are being taken for a long long  ride that am not ready to be part of.  

Name it, remember the greater KC Kenyan organization….what happened…to that?..now we have Wakaba jamii, Nyumba itu, the church of Kenyans etc and so forth…Kanlenjins running in KC and Kissii Nyakia guteba Minnesota association. We have been divided and served in the Kenyan alter of tribalism. There is a Gikuyu saying that says “rika ritari ndudu rihuragwo na njuguma imwe”. We have forgotten …in our selective amnesia as long as I am ok nothing matters if my walls are intact. That is the selfish coating layer we have grown over the years. We must come together as Kenyans in Diaspora and form our own banks here in Diaspora. If Indians in UK can do it, if the same Indians in Kenya can do it why not us?

Friday, 4 March 2016

When is the right time to settle?

When is the right time to settle?
This is a great question.
It’s a fundamental question in life because we must settle at some point in life.
Do we settle because we have found him and her right?
Do we settle because our biological clock has ticked beyond the horizon or because we shave twice a day?
Do we settle I ask, because our relatives are worried that we have taken too long and the good ones are all gone? Remember the beautiful ones are not being born. Contraceptives, abortion and same sex marriages you know.
Do we settle because our parents have unfulfilled wish list that they want accomplished through us?
Do we settle because we are lonely and afraid of the dark?
 Do we settle because we found a demon and not the devil?
Do we settle because a saint has revisited our town and all the villagers bow down? 
Do we settle because they said she is beautiful with noon make up and handsome in the wallet?
Do we settle because we are sure or because we yearn to discover more with our partners? 
Perhaps I don’t know why you got married, one day may be you woke up and found a baby crying next to you.
May be you were introduced as an uncle one night and the following morning in the case before this court vs X and Y chromosomes,  you  are the father, and you are not the further.  Settle down, I meant further not father, just hold your horses.  I know that’s the reason why you will never settle down, because you are down already and not ready to give up the player lifestyle in you. Become quite, calm and orderly that’s settling down, forget the details.  
As for me and many out here we never settled down, we surrendered.

~By Njoroge wa Ngige~ 030516-0028

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Are you looking for Risk Free Faith?

Why is it that the church is known more of what it is against than what its for? Why is that the church is always defensive than being offensive? We must ware the crush helmets of faith if we as Christian are honest about this questions.  Does  any one has any figment of idea of the power we so always invoke.."In Jesus Name"? The Name above all Names. I am tired of church playing defensive. {"Morally the society is bankrupt, the church is broke"~ Ngige} 

We need to stop criticizing culture and start creating it.  Instead of complaining about the current state of affairs, we need to offer better alternatives as a Church. We need to make better movies and better music, write better books and preach the pure undiluted Gospel as once preached and taught by the Master, Jesus Christ in the shores of Galilee and surrounding districts over 2000 years ago. We need to start better schools and better businesses. The world is wounded and in dire need of healing. As the old aphorism suggests, as a Church we need to stop always cursing the darkness and start lighting some candles.  In the words of Michelangelo we need to criticize by creating. 

The goal of faith is not elimination of risk. Relationship with God is a win win relationship.There is nothing passive about following Christ. We won't regret the mistakes we made as much as the God ordained opportunities.  Jesus was a carrier carpenter before he went full ministry. Its hard to change carriers leave alone making small changes. He took the risk to save mankind. Its time to pick up the tab (pay for someone lunch instead) not because you have more but there is joy in giving than receiving. In our modern day Jesus Christ is the ultimate "Washington Insider".  The Holy Spirit can open doors that seem to be dead bolted shut. Crazy dreams still come true. Dreams usually start as Mustard-seed opportunities. For instance in the book of Exodus, forty years  after a felony made Moses a fugitive in Egypt, God reopened the door of opportunities and gave him a second chance. He was a terrible stammer, but he stammered his way to the great authority the Pharaoh. You do not have to be eloquent. Sometimes perhaps you need to stammer to be heard for when you speak clear you might kill the project or scare the vision. God will keep on opening opportunities but I don't want to wait for 40 years anyway. I will be 120 years by then. Life is too short you know. I want to seize the opportunity first time is presented. 

Success is doing the best you can with what you have wherever you are. Success is unique as your fingerprint. Do not go chasing other peoples success they have different fingerprints that wont match with yours. One denominator I can see with successful people they can spot an opportunity miles away.  Think of every opportunity as a gift from God . What you do with that opportunity is your gift to God. Can you imagine giving God a gift, in essence you are giving Him what it is already His.

As I keep on saying #Reinvent_Thyself . It is another year good people. I stopped making New Year resolutions long time ago {do not ask how old I am} because the following morning I had broken all of them. My approach is that every day is an opportunity to be better. Don't get me wrong I like celebrating New Year, and witnessing the fireworks but much so in my house.  It’s good to make small changes, and small choices become magnified over time and have major consequences. Sometimes taking calculated risk means giving up something good so you can experience something great.  One courageous choice may be the only thing between you and your dream becoming a reality. Let us be conscious courageous Christians and risk with our eyes of faith.  

 ~By Njoroge wa Ngige~ 030116-2237

Time to Rise

You are frightened by the greatness of Gods power in tigers eyes, You haven't seen mine yet made in His own image! I am not worried about the future. I am talking to my self beyond the generations. Talk to your self too. You are not mad, you are just mad that you are not talking to yourself more often. What God has promised you will not die. The untapped potential is about to be supernaturally released when you meet a tiger on your way home, because you will run for your dear life and discover another talent, a hidden treasure, that you just broke an Olympic world record, running for dear life. If you want to walk on water step out of the boat. A volcano of success is buried in you. A world of possibilities. You are not too old not to change your world. There is a treasure in you, there is power in you, an ability. You say you have no resources, average education or none, living in the low end ghetto neighborhood, born in the wrong continent of the wrong families, you wonder that it has taken this long to discovered truth but you have been searching for it in the wrong places, in the empty tombs, in the far desserts yet is it is in you. If you can read this you are more than average! and you know what, God looks for the below average and super educated alike. God uses people not things to further his course. The stammerer like Moses, the little boy shepherd David. Jesus chose ordinary people and extraordinary too to be his disciples. The fishermen disciples, the Physician Luke and even the tax collectors of the world, Judas the Iscariot the money keeper. Now I speak to your negative thoughts. The impossibilities they told you, the misery and addiction you inherited or acquired because of your foolishness. you are bankrupt and going down fast, sinking financially and the Land Lord still knocking on your door. Survived a car wreck, going thorough divorce, just lost a loved one. Scared, hurt and bruised. Your phone rings no more only creditors living voicemail threats and endless litigation's. God will do nothing until you have done everything you can do, then he will step in to do everything that you could not do. Stop promising us with promises that you do not believe in either, shows us the results. Don't tell us what happened we already know what did not happen. Same jungle. Same problems and challenges. Different world view. Change your view point. You will be surprised by what you see. Its time to rise.
~By Njoroge wa Ngige ~030116-1935

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Why I Write


I write to say thank you
I write to be here and there
I write for my mansion is poor
I write for the only wealth I have left are words of wisdom
I write for the Master wrote on to the ground for they mortgaged his house
Played his clothes a jackpot, redeemed our souls from hell
I write so “neither do I condemn you but go, and do not sin again”.
I write so that “I will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot”,
Nor your brides when they commit adultery;
I write to the men who themselves go aside with harlots,
And “sacrifice with cult prostitutes”.
I write for the barren and fertile alike
I write for the dark complexion and not so dark, I write for the soul.
I write for the corruption and venom in our leadership
I write for the killer sea, treacherous waters of slavery
I write for our addicted conscience has been robbed and taken for granted
I write for I can’t trust none, demonic democracy or urban terrorists both are thorough.
I write for political incorrectness and status quo
I write to be buried alive to resurrect in your controlled red velvet valve
I write to hunt your present and haunt your future generations
I write for you are duped and dumped like numb dumb dumb
I write for this occupation is serious, honourable, and lasting
More than your lazy one night stands
A blizzard of failed orgasm
Last time I tried that, I ejected my heart.
I write for there is no dating any more
Only hook ups and breakups, nutflix and Chilin’
I write for writing is a socially acceptable Schizophrenia
I write to thank the trees that their oxygen was not in vain
I write because life is a beautiful struggle
I write to tell you good bye and welcome you here and there.

Njoroge wa Ngige~ 02172016-2331

Friday, 12 February 2016

North of Rift Valley

North of Rift Valley

Sometimes what I hear shallowly being preached is not what I drink. A case in point "That God loves us unconditionally" Its true He does, but that does not translate knowingly and intentionally you keep in dark alleys of transgression because God loves you unconditionally. God does not request us to follow his ways its a commandment, He demands that, period. The literal ordinary interpretation I hear peddled in pedestrian talk is no accidental. Call me pedantic but I must do something beyond just believing and vol-ah I inherit the Kingdom of God. You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. How many times have you trembled in your faith? For, He said, “you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live. But someone may well say, "You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works”

Now one long time ago before I began shaving twice a day. In my many excavations I visited the Great Rift Valley in present day Kenya for a school excavation in motherland Kenya. For your information we do not have motherland its fatherland, God created everything in the so called “motherland’. I am not going to be politically correct for the sake of it. No. I will tell it as it is. Whoever coined the term ‘Mother Nature’ must have been very blind to the reality of creation or perhaps so high with unrefined opium of ‘mother nature’ smoked in the happy valley of love in 1900s.  He or she must have been so high on unrefined opium smoked in the ‘happy valley’ of Mother Nature; oops there I go again in 1900s. I am high too with random thoughts trying to remember. He/she even went ahead and named the place I was standing in the Great Rift Valley the ‘Hells Gate’. How on earth I asked myself, will you name a magnificent Gods art work a hells gate? Didn’t you have a better name? This bearded white man (another amazing mystery of Gods creation who amusingly believes in evolution theory) stood there like Biblical Moses striking the rock in the desert and pointed North of the Rift Valley with a crooked finger, hollow narrow nostril and said, “Many billions of years the tectonic plate split and with a lot of volcanic activity the rift was formed”. Holy Lord,,, Last time I checked the exact mechanism of rift formation is an on-going debate among geologists and geophysicists today. All this debate is ongoing while God creation story lasted only 6 days and he rested in the seventh day. God must have been laughing in heaven at this point. I felt mercy for my Sunday school teacher, God bless her soul. This beaded man platted on to make amazing discoveries as he renamed all the mountains, rivers, falls and lakes after her majesty the queen of England followed by her sir name. This he did oblivious of the fact that my Great grandfather Njoroge wa Ngige literary translated to mean “Honey of the Locusts”  had watered his cattle, goats and offered the sacrifices of the fattened calf  at the foothill of Kirinyaga Mountain (Translated to mean “Gods Dwelling place”) now Mt. Kenya. This is the highest point in Kenya where I was born. Nobody else could be fitting to dwell in the highest point than the most high-God Almighty. He still does. This white selfish bearded man claimed that he was the first to see the mountain. He took an imaginary distorted first selfie and named the blue waters, the largest fresh water mass in the world “lake Victoria”. He drowned in his ego in Victoria Falls in present day Zimbabwe and her ghost resurrected in South Africa Table Mountains where he forcefully intentionally created black and white highway to Hells gate.   The Hells gate demon She is still haunting us today with our borrowed twanging and we might need an exosmic exorcism to get rid of her by going back to our roots.

Understanding God is not like looking for a needle stuck in hay stack. No. God has laid his majesty and awe of splendor before our eyes. Our noses smell the beauty of creation but our heart are made of stone while our immortal brain defy the laws of gravity that God himself created. Trying to understand God instead of believing in him is like trying to understand why rivers flow to the ocean. You wonder the reason God asks in the book of Isaiah “Where were you when I formed the very foundation of Earth?” tell me because even before you were formed in your mother’s womb I knew you.

“It is thought that these rifts are generally following old sutures between ancient continental masses that collided billions of years ago to form the African craton.  The split around the Lake Victoria region occurred due to the presence of a small core of ancient metamorphic rock, the Tanzania crater, was too hard for the rift to tear through. Because the rift could not go straight through this area, it instead diverged around it leading to the two branches that can be seen today”. The old beaded white man continued unabated….I could not stop him with his distorted historical escapades. He was god. He was final. I read his books.  Until I consulted my consciousness to my amusement. I discovered truth. The truth set me free indeed. I dozed off walked across the Sahara desert oasis and swam across the Atlantic to re-tell the correct authentic Egyptian story in the diaspora while ‘facing Mt. Kenya’.

By Njoroge Wa Ngige. 021216-0153