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Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Why I Write


I write to say thank you
I write to be here and there
I write for my mansion is poor
I write for the only wealth I have left are words of wisdom
I write for the Master wrote on to the ground for they mortgaged his house
Played his clothes a jackpot, redeemed our souls from hell
I write so “neither do I condemn you but go, and do not sin again”.
I write so that “I will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot”,
Nor your brides when they commit adultery;
I write to the men who themselves go aside with harlots,
And “sacrifice with cult prostitutes”.
I write for the barren and fertile alike
I write for the dark complexion and not so dark, I write for the soul.
I write for the corruption and venom in our leadership
I write for the killer sea, treacherous waters of slavery
I write for our addicted conscience has been robbed and taken for granted
I write for I can’t trust none, demonic democracy or urban terrorists both are thorough.
I write for political incorrectness and status quo
I write to be buried alive to resurrect in your controlled red velvet valve
I write to hunt your present and haunt your future generations
I write for you are duped and dumped like numb dumb dumb
I write for this occupation is serious, honourable, and lasting
More than your lazy one night stands
A blizzard of failed orgasm
Last time I tried that, I ejected my heart.
I write for there is no dating any more
Only hook ups and breakups, nutflix and Chilin’
I write for writing is a socially acceptable Schizophrenia
I write to thank the trees that their oxygen was not in vain
I write because life is a beautiful struggle
I write to tell you good bye and welcome you here and there.

Njoroge wa Ngige~ 02172016-2331

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