North of
Rift Valley
Sometimes what I hear shallowly being preached is not what I
drink. A case in point "That God loves us unconditionally" Its true
He does, but that does not translate knowingly and intentionally you keep in
dark alleys of transgression because God loves you unconditionally. God does
not request us to follow his ways its a commandment, He demands that, period.
The literal ordinary interpretation I hear peddled in pedestrian talk is no
accidental. Call me pedantic but I must do something beyond just believing and
vol-ah I inherit the Kingdom of God. You say you have faith, for you believe
that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they
tremble in terror. How many times have you trembled in your faith? For, He
said, “you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live. But someone
may well say, "You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without
the works, and I will show you my faith by my works”
Now one long time ago before I began shaving twice a day. In
my many excavations I visited the Great Rift Valley in present day Kenya for a
school excavation in motherland Kenya. For your information we do not have
motherland its fatherland, God created everything in the so called “motherland’.
I am not going to be politically correct for the sake of it. No. I will tell it
as it is. Whoever coined the term ‘Mother Nature’ must have been very blind to
the reality of creation or perhaps so high with unrefined opium of ‘mother
nature’ smoked in the happy valley of love in 1900s. He or she must have been so high on unrefined
opium smoked in the ‘happy valley’ of Mother Nature; oops there I go again in
1900s. I am high too with random thoughts trying to remember. He/she even went
ahead and named the place I was standing in the Great Rift Valley the ‘Hells
Gate’. How on earth I asked myself, will you name a magnificent Gods art work a
hells gate? Didn’t you have a better name? This bearded white man (another
amazing mystery of Gods creation who amusingly believes in evolution theory)
stood there like Biblical Moses striking the rock in the desert and pointed North
of the Rift Valley with a crooked finger, hollow narrow nostril and said, “Many
billions of years the tectonic plate split and with a lot of volcanic activity
the rift was formed”. Holy Lord,,, Last time I checked the exact mechanism of
rift formation is an on-going debate among geologists and geophysicists today.
All this debate is ongoing while God creation story lasted only 6 days and he
rested in the seventh day. God must have been laughing in heaven at this point.
I felt mercy for my Sunday school teacher, God bless her soul. This beaded man platted
on to make amazing discoveries as he renamed all the mountains, rivers, falls
and lakes after her majesty the queen of England followed by her sir name. This
he did oblivious of the fact that my Great grandfather Njoroge wa Ngige
literary translated to mean “Honey of the Locusts” had watered his cattle, goats and offered the
sacrifices of the fattened calf at the foothill
of Kirinyaga Mountain (Translated to mean “Gods Dwelling place”) now Mt. Kenya.
This is the highest point in Kenya where I was born. Nobody else could be
fitting to dwell in the highest point than the most high-God Almighty. He still
does. This white selfish bearded man claimed that he was the first to see the mountain.
He took an imaginary distorted first selfie and named the blue waters, the
largest fresh water mass in the world “lake Victoria”. He drowned in his ego in
Victoria Falls in present day Zimbabwe and her ghost resurrected in South
Africa Table Mountains where he forcefully intentionally created black and
white highway to Hells gate. The Hells gate demon She is still haunting us today
with our borrowed twanging and we might need an exosmic exorcism to get rid of
her by going back to our roots.
Understanding God is not like looking for a needle stuck in
hay stack. No. God has laid his majesty and awe of splendor before our eyes. Our
noses smell the beauty of creation but our heart are made of stone while our
immortal brain defy the laws of gravity that God himself created. Trying to
understand God instead of believing in him is like trying to understand why
rivers flow to the ocean. You wonder the reason God asks in the book of Isaiah “Where
were you when I formed the very foundation of Earth?” tell me because even
before you were formed in your mother’s womb I knew you.
“It is thought that these rifts are generally following old
sutures between ancient continental masses that collided billions of years ago
to form the African craton. The split
around the Lake Victoria region occurred due to the presence of a small core of
ancient metamorphic rock, the Tanzania crater, was too hard for the rift to
tear through. Because the rift could not go straight through this area, it
instead diverged around it leading to the two branches that can be seen today”.
The old beaded white man continued unabated….I could not stop him with his distorted
historical escapades. He was god. He was final. I read his books. Until I consulted my consciousness to my
amusement. I discovered truth. The truth set me free indeed. I dozed off walked
across the Sahara desert oasis and swam across the Atlantic to re-tell the
correct authentic Egyptian story in the diaspora while ‘facing Mt. Kenya’.
By Njoroge Wa Ngige. 021216-0153
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