We need to stop criticizing culture and start creating it. Instead of complaining about the current state of affairs, we need to offer better alternatives as a Church. We need to make better movies and better music, write better books and preach the pure undiluted Gospel as once preached and taught by the Master, Jesus Christ in the shores of Galilee and surrounding districts over 2000 years ago. We need to start better schools and better businesses. The world is wounded and in dire need of healing. As the old aphorism suggests, as a Church we need to stop always cursing the darkness and start lighting some candles. In the words of Michelangelo we need to criticize by creating.
The goal of faith is not elimination of risk. Relationship with God is a win win relationship.There is nothing passive about following Christ. We won't regret the mistakes we made as much as the God ordained opportunities. Jesus was a carrier carpenter before he went full ministry. Its hard to change carriers leave alone making small changes. He took the risk to save mankind. Its time to pick up the tab (pay for someone lunch instead) not because you have more but there is joy in giving than receiving. In our modern day Jesus Christ is the ultimate "Washington Insider". The Holy Spirit can open doors that seem to be dead bolted shut. Crazy dreams still come true. Dreams usually start as Mustard-seed opportunities. For instance in the book of Exodus, forty years after a felony made Moses a fugitive in Egypt, God reopened the door of opportunities and gave him a second chance. He was a terrible stammer, but he stammered his way to the great authority the Pharaoh. You do not have to be eloquent. Sometimes perhaps you need to stammer to be heard for when you speak clear you might kill the project or scare the vision. God will keep on opening opportunities but I don't want to wait for 40 years anyway. I will be 120 years by then. Life is too short you know. I want to seize the opportunity first time is presented.
Success is doing the best you can with what you have wherever you are. Success is unique as your fingerprint. Do not go chasing other peoples success they have different fingerprints that wont match with yours. One denominator I can see with successful people they can spot an opportunity miles away. Think of every opportunity as a gift from God . What you do with that opportunity is your gift to God. Can you imagine giving God a gift, in essence you are giving Him what it is already His.
As I keep on saying #Reinvent_Thyself . It is another
year good people. I stopped making New Year resolutions long time ago {do not
ask how old I am} because the following morning I had broken all of them. My
approach is that every day is an opportunity to be better. Don't get me wrong I
like celebrating New Year, and witnessing the fireworks but much so in my
house. It’s good to make small changes,
and small choices become magnified over time and have major consequences.
Sometimes taking calculated risk means giving up something good so you can
experience something great. One courageous
choice may be the only thing between you and your dream becoming a
reality. Let us be conscious courageous
Christians and risk with our eyes of faith.
~By Njoroge wa Ngige~ 030116-2237
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