Are You Still stuck in ‘Egypt’?
You ask why and some churches of late have become house of wars, conman ship cartels and not worship? I understand your frustration even better, because today it is no longer viewed primarily fashionable to talk about Church matters leave alone God Almighty. When in some instances you say you miss attending church services you are viewed with suspicious obnoxious looks that suggest that either you are out of mind, several prehistoric evolving ages backward or you definitely forgot taking your imaginary misdiagnosed schizophrenic medication with unknown side effects yet.
In essence we have deliberately or by
extension been coerced knowingly or not removed God from our midst. God does
not seem relevant because our alarm can wake us up without power failure. In other
words we have replaced God’s mighty hand with our limited of reasoning and fictitious
imagination. We have indeed replaced God with our Biology class and physics’
law or relativity simply because what God’s says in his Biblical Holy Word does
not agree with my graduate degree or for that matter my inept lack of canonical
It is on record that ignorance is more expensive than education, and my Bible asserts that: ‘My people perish because of lack of knowledge’ "Hosea 4:6". Lack of Knowledge in simple terms is ‘stupidity’! The fact that you say ‘I am saved Halleluiah’ is not enough, even the devil he himself can pull that scot-free without losing his legion and allegiance in bright day light or winking accolades to your free view with no obligation whatsoever as they say. God demands real worship not pretense and mockery. God is not requesting you and me to worship Him. He demands that and no less. Because you know what, Our God is a Jealous God "Exodus 34:14", even the stones can worship Him if we pay lip service but he demands that on the breath of life you and I not stones must truly bow unto Thee.
If you still view God as unreal in your life and only real in the scriptures or when you are stuck in your legal or imagined unending dramas of life and uncertainty, He will surely deliberately leave you in ‘Egypt’, a little bit longer until you are ripe to cross the red sea unto the Jordan river banks of abundance and true worship where your double portion lies there in-waiting. If you want be a doctor you must hang out with a real medical doctor who has at the least attended real pharmacology class and returned back in theater to perform a successful surgery not with a farmer who harvested his wheat in August of the summer heat simply because he had followed the weather man right prediction of Gods Promises on seasons. These bring me back to the original statement about driving 25 minutes on a freeway just to attend a church service.
It kept me thinking that our parents and forefathers must have walked for miles to worship The Lord God of Hosts in their respective churches, it was journeying almost a pilgrimage of life time every Sabbath "Ex. 20:8–11" ...A holy day set apart each week for rest and worship. After God created all things, he rested on the seventh day and commanded that one day each week be a day of rest to help people remember him" ... They walked while we cannot or if we can we complain about driving to church. It’s a shame! In essence we have moved physically towards and closer to God but spiritually in my humble view many are still in Egypt, we have literally turned back and become the proverbial stones of salts. Our past is holding us back while our future is beckoning but we are entertained by the present unwavering bills of life that we have totally lost focus. Busy life you say!?. It will not be business as usual when we die and meet our maker. Choices have consequences and no choice is a choice too. You chose not to choose. That’s a choice not decency of lip service freedom that our weary ears have grown deaf to.
Tomorrow I am ready to drive, walk, crawl or hike a lift to my new sanctuary in Olathe, Kansas for like Elisha said to Elijah in the Biblical recordings "As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you." 2 Kings :2:2.", and as well as Ruth replied to Hannah .. But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God shall be my God ..."Ruth 1:16".
You must find and follow an 'Elijah or Elisha' church in your locality, a church that allows true faith questions of interrogation if it is a sincere discipleship mentoring true church of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Holly Spirit will reveal that to you at the appointed time for He surely dwells among us after the Calvary. Otherwise look before you convince yourself you are standing lest you start falling since you have been stuck in Egypt all this long. You are welcome Tomorrow to be with us at Neema Community Church new sanctuary at Olathe, Kansas, Or any other Sunday of your God given choice. Be blessed.
works By Njoroge wa Ngige. 080115
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