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Time to Rise

You are frightened by the greatness of Gods power in tigers eyes, You haven't seen mine yet made in His own image! I am not wor...

Friday, 4 March 2016

When is the right time to settle?

When is the right time to settle?
This is a great question.
It’s a fundamental question in life because we must settle at some point in life.
Do we settle because we have found him and her right?
Do we settle because our biological clock has ticked beyond the horizon or because we shave twice a day?
Do we settle I ask, because our relatives are worried that we have taken too long and the good ones are all gone? Remember the beautiful ones are not being born. Contraceptives, abortion and same sex marriages you know.
Do we settle because our parents have unfulfilled wish list that they want accomplished through us?
Do we settle because we are lonely and afraid of the dark?
 Do we settle because we found a demon and not the devil?
Do we settle because a saint has revisited our town and all the villagers bow down? 
Do we settle because they said she is beautiful with noon make up and handsome in the wallet?
Do we settle because we are sure or because we yearn to discover more with our partners? 
Perhaps I don’t know why you got married, one day may be you woke up and found a baby crying next to you.
May be you were introduced as an uncle one night and the following morning in the case before this court vs X and Y chromosomes,  you  are the father, and you are not the further.  Settle down, I meant further not father, just hold your horses.  I know that’s the reason why you will never settle down, because you are down already and not ready to give up the player lifestyle in you. Become quite, calm and orderly that’s settling down, forget the details.  
As for me and many out here we never settled down, we surrendered.

~By Njoroge wa Ngige~ 030516-0028

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Are you looking for Risk Free Faith?

Why is it that the church is known more of what it is against than what its for? Why is that the church is always defensive than being offensive? We must ware the crush helmets of faith if we as Christian are honest about this questions.  Does  any one has any figment of idea of the power we so always invoke.."In Jesus Name"? The Name above all Names. I am tired of church playing defensive. {"Morally the society is bankrupt, the church is broke"~ Ngige} 

We need to stop criticizing culture and start creating it.  Instead of complaining about the current state of affairs, we need to offer better alternatives as a Church. We need to make better movies and better music, write better books and preach the pure undiluted Gospel as once preached and taught by the Master, Jesus Christ in the shores of Galilee and surrounding districts over 2000 years ago. We need to start better schools and better businesses. The world is wounded and in dire need of healing. As the old aphorism suggests, as a Church we need to stop always cursing the darkness and start lighting some candles.  In the words of Michelangelo we need to criticize by creating. 

The goal of faith is not elimination of risk. Relationship with God is a win win relationship.There is nothing passive about following Christ. We won't regret the mistakes we made as much as the God ordained opportunities.  Jesus was a carrier carpenter before he went full ministry. Its hard to change carriers leave alone making small changes. He took the risk to save mankind. Its time to pick up the tab (pay for someone lunch instead) not because you have more but there is joy in giving than receiving. In our modern day Jesus Christ is the ultimate "Washington Insider".  The Holy Spirit can open doors that seem to be dead bolted shut. Crazy dreams still come true. Dreams usually start as Mustard-seed opportunities. For instance in the book of Exodus, forty years  after a felony made Moses a fugitive in Egypt, God reopened the door of opportunities and gave him a second chance. He was a terrible stammer, but he stammered his way to the great authority the Pharaoh. You do not have to be eloquent. Sometimes perhaps you need to stammer to be heard for when you speak clear you might kill the project or scare the vision. God will keep on opening opportunities but I don't want to wait for 40 years anyway. I will be 120 years by then. Life is too short you know. I want to seize the opportunity first time is presented. 

Success is doing the best you can with what you have wherever you are. Success is unique as your fingerprint. Do not go chasing other peoples success they have different fingerprints that wont match with yours. One denominator I can see with successful people they can spot an opportunity miles away.  Think of every opportunity as a gift from God . What you do with that opportunity is your gift to God. Can you imagine giving God a gift, in essence you are giving Him what it is already His.

As I keep on saying #Reinvent_Thyself . It is another year good people. I stopped making New Year resolutions long time ago {do not ask how old I am} because the following morning I had broken all of them. My approach is that every day is an opportunity to be better. Don't get me wrong I like celebrating New Year, and witnessing the fireworks but much so in my house.  It’s good to make small changes, and small choices become magnified over time and have major consequences. Sometimes taking calculated risk means giving up something good so you can experience something great.  One courageous choice may be the only thing between you and your dream becoming a reality. Let us be conscious courageous Christians and risk with our eyes of faith.  

 ~By Njoroge wa Ngige~ 030116-2237

Time to Rise

You are frightened by the greatness of Gods power in tigers eyes, You haven't seen mine yet made in His own image! I am not worried about the future. I am talking to my self beyond the generations. Talk to your self too. You are not mad, you are just mad that you are not talking to yourself more often. What God has promised you will not die. The untapped potential is about to be supernaturally released when you meet a tiger on your way home, because you will run for your dear life and discover another talent, a hidden treasure, that you just broke an Olympic world record, running for dear life. If you want to walk on water step out of the boat. A volcano of success is buried in you. A world of possibilities. You are not too old not to change your world. There is a treasure in you, there is power in you, an ability. You say you have no resources, average education or none, living in the low end ghetto neighborhood, born in the wrong continent of the wrong families, you wonder that it has taken this long to discovered truth but you have been searching for it in the wrong places, in the empty tombs, in the far desserts yet is it is in you. If you can read this you are more than average! and you know what, God looks for the below average and super educated alike. God uses people not things to further his course. The stammerer like Moses, the little boy shepherd David. Jesus chose ordinary people and extraordinary too to be his disciples. The fishermen disciples, the Physician Luke and even the tax collectors of the world, Judas the Iscariot the money keeper. Now I speak to your negative thoughts. The impossibilities they told you, the misery and addiction you inherited or acquired because of your foolishness. you are bankrupt and going down fast, sinking financially and the Land Lord still knocking on your door. Survived a car wreck, going thorough divorce, just lost a loved one. Scared, hurt and bruised. Your phone rings no more only creditors living voicemail threats and endless litigation's. God will do nothing until you have done everything you can do, then he will step in to do everything that you could not do. Stop promising us with promises that you do not believe in either, shows us the results. Don't tell us what happened we already know what did not happen. Same jungle. Same problems and challenges. Different world view. Change your view point. You will be surprised by what you see. Its time to rise.
~By Njoroge wa Ngige ~030116-1935