They told me being a blogger is wasting time. I smiled
and silently whispered to my heart, Sustain me, my God, according to your
promise, and I will live. They didn't know the difference between a blogger
& writer (Writers are craftsmen, bloggers have craft). what bloggers don't tell you they also make money in their trade. It is a venture for the bold hearted and ruthless razor cutters. its like walking on mine field you don't know what might hit you until the dust settle down. I just cashed another bloggers cheque. I believe
writing is dictated by strict form standard and style of presentation. Blogging
collapses all that mantra to anything of bloggers creativity with no
boundaries. I love the later because it allows virgin creativity with no formal
baggage. And where do you get all this time to write? They
continued..(They didn’t know time is created).. you've got to pay bills do a
double and triple shift back and forth. Well, we all know majority of diaspora
stories how they start and end ....doing what your friend told you, not what
you always wanted. Doing what your host family dictated you to do under
prevailing circumstances at that time. Being forced to make lifetime altering
decisions under intense pressure. Now you realize the difference between
surviving and living is like being half awake and alert at the same time. You
will never know what hit you until you run a red light while yours shut and the
only evidence on the crash scene is your bloody stained double triple pay stub.
You will be lucky if you visit the next doctor’s appointment with a cracked
skull holding your precious memory in your trembling palms.
Well back to original story. Blogging it is certainly
not a waste of time. It is only viewed with pedestrian look and less formal.
Perhaps a sign to the extent of how our formal schools distort our
thinking. When over 12,000 followers in
the shadows of life yearn for more and
push you beyond limit then you realize God has positioned you as bridge of
inspiration where multitudes can look in the mirror and smile of what they read
and see. Words are powerful medium. They mean life or death. They create or
destroy. They provoke and inspire. They heal at the same time they hurt. The
world is hungry of information, the right information. I package words, I spew
Ideas. I ship original ideas. I like
when people say it is impossible, I like dealing with impossibles, we are all children of impossibilities at some point in our lives. The possible was at one point in time the Impossible. The world is
impossible because is full of impossible nay Sayers. You must separate yourself
from their narrow toxic absentmindedness. Do not think out of the box. Instead
tell them there is no box anyway, there has never been, it is just a figment of
lame imagination. Lazy -mind-syndrome perhaps. Don't quote me I made that up! Truth
be told I write when most people are a sleep, at the dead of the night and that
time I see God walking inspecting His projects. He tapped my shoulder and
whispered something these in this wee hours of cold night..."Keep doing what you
are doing son I am not yet done with you". Then I remembered psalm 119 the
longest chapter in the Bible” May your unfailing love come to me, Lord, your salvation,
according to your promise; then I can answer anyone who taunts me, for I trust
in your word.
Our lives are dotted lines you must connect your dots.
Remember Astronomy is the study of birth, life and death of Stars. Moon, Sun, Comets, and Galaxies are all a
phenomena that originates outside the Earth’s atmosphere. I am a phenomenon,
wonderful and fearfully made. That sounds impossible, right? Stars can only shine in darkness. You must
find your star. Let us not study you or know you in eulogies of death, let us
know you in life more than in your mortal being. Its Thanks Giving people,
giving not receiving, for there is more joy in giving than receiving. Happy Thanks giving.
By Njoroge wa Ngige 112215-0739
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