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Monday, 2 November 2015

5 Lessons I Learnt from Royals Winning 2015 World Series

5 Lessons I learnt from Royals Winning World Series.

Kansas City Royals are 2015 World Series Champions: A champion’s parade is lined up tomorrow in Kansas city. A crowd exceeding over 200 hundred thousand fans is excepted to welcome the Royals at Union station and later at Kauffman Stadium.  I watched the entire game. Watching this game tonight felt like walking on sharp needles or chewing a hot coal. I drew up a few fundamental lessons from the champions themselves. Take a look at the following.

1. If you want to be a winner you must get ‘dirty’: No kid gloves. Ain’t kidding.  You must do the donkey’s job of cracking your brain and diving in to the split moments that make a difference in life more than in death.  The credit does not go to the spectator shouting on top of his voice or booing you when you make the slightest mistake in the crucial game of life. Everything you need to know is wrapped in the dusty rough arena.  The credit goes to the person stuck in the mud and marred with dust. Remember ‘if you do not work do not eat’. If you are not prepared to pay the ultimate price before taking the prize; then go back to the drawing board.“I don’t know how we could be any happier,” Said Kansas city Mayor Sly James. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If you can’t love Kansas City today, you never will. “New York is New York. It’s a city that never sleeps. Kansas City is Kansas City. It’s a city that never quits.”

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article42202245.html#storylink=cpy

2. Do not tell the world:  nothing until you identify you team- in other words do not be too excited to inform the world what you are about to do, just do it. In any case the world is full of enemies that you confuse to be your team mates. Biblical King David asked God to show him his friends because he knew his enemies. It’s about time you get to know your friends for you have more enemies every day.   You must move with positive energy. Haters are waiting patiently for you in the next stop sign. If you have genuine team mates they will always pick you up. You will always have a shoulder to cry on. Only share your dream with people who matters. Do not be swayed, your dream will not make sense to ordinary critics. Neither will it excite the multitude. Instead majority or all of the people will think you are out of your mind or you have run out of your prescription. Kansas City Royals waited for over 20 years to lift the vision engraved in their hearts. Your vision must be en grained in your heart not your mind. Your mind executes skills and applied knowledge. Your heart executes passion of visionary dreams.  The kind of “Yes we can” slogan from President Obama Campaign of 2008.  By and large do not conform to the ordinary story line or narrative, become a revolutionist of some sort, of substance. You must be a ‘rebel’, as self-proclaimed sage or  you cry  dry tears during your funeral procession before your ‘death’ of victory. Do not make a deal with the world. You will be disappointed. Make a deal with your own passion and intuition.  That way you can taste the freshness of difference away from conformity. The Kansas City Royals created a family team before winning the World Series. As a family the Royals never allowed drowning in the nay Sayers of their opponents’ MET supporters. Instead they had all their royalty pay off in a nail biting final.

3. Never show you weakness-Just acknowledge it (them) and move on to improve on it (them). Kansas City Royals team while going to the final game in the World Series in New York, one formidable player had just jetted in from funeral of his father overseas. Another was expecting the birth of his child. Any moment and every pitch in between the game would possibly have had the potential of labour onset. These players never flinched. Instead they showed resilience and kept focus to the big picture, winning the World Series. You will not stop the world from ticking to start complaining. You will always have an excuse for your failures to rise to the occasion anyway.  Many great leaders have failed but failure never held them down. Every time they bumped their head they dusted themselves and soldiered on. Stay put until you see the light in the end of the tunnel. If there is no light use your artificial flash light, just to illuminate the path albeit for a while before dawn.  There was a lot of work that went into motivating the Kansas City Royal Baseball team before they lifted the 2015 cup in Citi stadium New York, Mets home ground. You must align your mind with your heart. That is the winning formula. Love at 360 degrees.

4. Preparation: All the team members of Royals team did not wake up today and became the World Series champions over night!. They already won the series in the preparation stage alone. What they displayed tonight in the actual game was their preparedness and willingness to fight. All of the players had a history of over 10 years playing baseball. You must have your history which comes with character, not how many likes you have received in the Halloween Instagram. No shortcut to fame otherwise it is short-lived and at the end you might commit suicide without leaving a suicide note. If you spend much time preparing well, there will be little effort employed in execution of the grand plan. Kansas City Royals prepared for 30 years before striking in true colours to win the World  Series 2015.

5. Never give up! Hard work pays off- in the final 9th inning of the 5th game New York MET team was leading the game 2 to nil. Everybody knew MET were now posed to win the big game and move on to the 6th game.  In the last pitching Royals turned the tables and bounced back to the game in style. In other words they never gave up even in the verge of crushing out. They just kept winning in to the 12th inning to close the game with 7 to 2 and that sealed their opponent’s fate in their home turf. Don’t stop believing. You will get more than you imagined. Winning sometimes is one time activity in a life time. You do not win World Series every year. There will be dry spells after this Royalistic accomplishment. Once you win and you are on the top of the world it’s good to be spectacularly realistic before the clouds start to gather. The hardest thing is not finding your ground sometimes its finding your royal ground. The point is not who is driving the car the car has to move from point B to point A and sometimes to point Z for mechanical checkup anyway. You are still in the game until to the last whistle. When the Royals won the World Series I checked my clock. It was  past midnight. It occurred to me either the clock was wrong or I was mistaken. That does not matter. Kansas City Royals had won. When you win time stands still, literary.  go go Kansas City Royals......You made us proud therapeutically speaking. Congratulations.   

Original thoughts by Njoroge wa Ngige -110215-1051

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