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Time to Rise

You are frightened by the greatness of Gods power in tigers eyes, You haven't seen mine yet made in His own image! I am not wor...

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Employment: The New Legal Slavery!

Employment: The New Legal Slavery!

Every job requires interactions with people who, given a free choice, we would carefully avoid.
We are all easily hurt. We might not be keen to admit it, but a single cruel word or snide remark can throw us off balance for the day. In private life, we can show our wounds. We can complain, we sulk, we argue. But at work, we can do nothing. We are at the mercy of others, with very little protection against low level infringements of our dignity, peace of mind and self-esteem.
Work makes us submit to power. The person in charge doesn’t have to care about our feelings. We have exchanged our right to communicate our pain for a monthly paycheck.

In short we are laborious laborous for a bottomless consumerism culture. The corporations make sure you retire when you can barely have the energy to use your otherwise “exploited” hard earned money, and you are unwillingly wheeled to a nursing home the moment your memory  shows any slightness slowness of thought and indecisiveness that comes with  age.   

Monday, 21 September 2015

Marrying the Wrong People

Marrying the Wrong People

We don’t see this as a picture of someone who has no nostrils, eight strands of hair and no eyelashes. Without even noticing that we are doing it, we fill in the missing parts. Our brains are primed to take tiny visual hints and construct entire figures from them – and we do the same when it comes to the character of our prospective spouse. We are – much more than we give ourselves credit for, and to our great cost – inveterate artists of elaboration.
The level of knowledge we need for a marriage to work is higher than our society is prepared to countenance, recognise and accommodate for – and therefore our social practices around getting married are deeply wrong......

The time has come for a third kind of marriage. The marriage of psychology. One where one doesn’t marry for land, or for ‘the feeling’ alone, but only when ‘the feeling’ has been properly submitted to examination and brought under the aegis of a mature awareness of one’s own and the other’s psychology.
Presently, we marry without any information. We almost never read books specifically on the subject, we never spend more than a short time with children, we don’t rigorously interrogate other married couples or speak with any sincerity to divorced ones. We go into it without any insightful reasons as to why marriages fail – beyond what we presume to be the idiocy or lack of imagination of their protagonists.
In the age of the marriage of reason, one might have considered the following criteria when marrying:
- who are their parents
- how much land do they have
- how culturally similar are they
In the Romantic age, one might have looked out for the following signs to determine rightness:
- one can’t stop thinking of a lover
- one is sexually obsessed
- one thinks they are amazing
- one longs to talk to them all the time
We need a new set of criteria. We should wonder:
- how are they mad
- how can one raise children with them
- how can one develop together
- how can one remain friends

Impressionism is interested in the fact that the things we love most change, are only around a very short time and then disappear. It celebrates the sort of happiness that lasts a few minutes, rather than years. In this painting, the snow looks lovely; but it will melt. The sky is beautiful at this moment, but it is about to go dark. This style of art cultivates a skill that extends far beyond art itself: a skill at accepting and attending to short-lived moments of satisfaction.
The peaks of life tend to be brief. Happiness doesn’t come in year-long blocks. With the Impressionists to guide us, we should be ready to appreciate isolated moments of everyday paradise whenever they come our way, without making the mistake of thinking them permanent; without the need to turn them into a ‘marriage’.

We believe we are special
The statistics are not encouraging. Everyone has before them plenty of examples of terrible marriages. They’ve seen their friends try it and come unstuck. They know perfectly well that – in general – marriages face immense challenges. And yet we do not easily apply this insight to our own case. Without specifically formulating it, we assume that this is a rule that applies to other people.
That’s because a raw statistical chance of one in two of failing at marriage seems wholly acceptable, given that – when one is in love – one feels one has already beaten far more extraordinary odds. The beloved feels like around one in a million. With such a winning streak, the gamble of marrying a person seem entirely containable.
We silently exclude ourselves from the generalisation. We’re not to be blamed for this. But we could benefit from being encouraged to see ourselves as exposed to the general fate.

We want to stop thinking about Love
Before we get married, we are likely to have had many years of turbulence in our love lives. We have tried to get together with people who didn’t like us, we’ve started and broken up unions, we’ve gone out for endless parties, in the hope of meeting someone, and known excitement and bitter disappointments.
No wonder if, at a certain point, we have enough of all that. Part of the reason we feel like getting married is to interrupt the all-consuming grip that love has over our psyches. We are exhausted by the melodramas and thrills that go nowhere. We are restless for other challenges. We hope that marriage can conclusively end love’s painful rule over our lives.

Friday, 18 September 2015

There is no time!

There is time only in The NOW!

You can only read this article in the now!
 Do not celebrate birthdays. I believe my birth was not just captured in moment of time but rather my formation began before time existed. I existed beyond “Happy birthday to you how old are you now?”  As such this to me are society structural lullabies that’s signifies a beginning and an end of a time. Time is not a concept. Time is existence.  In my view because I am of God’s image I have no beginning neither an end!  Who can tell me the beginning of Gods image and or the end of the same?  Who can tell me the Alpha and Omega of time?
his is not a new idea. Eastern spirituality has held this belief since ancient prehistoric time. There is no time other than the present and the only way to truly live happily is by being mindful of the present. The reason why so many people in the west are unhappy is because we are always living for the future. We have to work for a better future, if you work hard now even though you are miserable this will mean better things for your future. The problem with this idea is that if you are always working for a better future you are never enjoying the moment now and you waste your whole life in hopes of experiencing that better future.

arma also can come into play here by remembering that all the things work in a chain of events. The now is just a consequence of what happened in the past. Everything you have done before has brought you this the moment you call now. Whether its a good or bad moment is not the point. The now that has come to pass is exactly what you need in order to learn the lessons you are meant to learn. Take comfort in the struggle because it is that struggle that will help you grow and become a better person. If its ‘good’ then don’t get too happy because nothing is permanent.  Even now. Everything is always in a flux of evolution.
hink you should say , time is different for everything in the universe. Most humans cannot grasp the fact that everything is not about humans. Human time does not exist if you would ask the sun. Human time only matters to humans. Time is everything, no matter where. Unless you are talking to an immortal.
Suggesting that space and time are illusions created by our consciousness, and the vessels through which we experience our material state is an entertaining read. Saying that the science of human perception is an illusion is just a silly way to argue that everything about humans lies with human definitions.

One could just as easily argue that muffins don't exist as they are simply different ingredients that exist separately and the result of their proximity and change with temperature force the illusion that they are one thing.

Gibberish arguing human perception is a weak argument which makes it easy to sound convincing. Remember that everything takes human perception and definitions for you to perceive it at all. This reminds me of the old 'there is no GOOD without BAD'. It is completely necessary for there to be BAD or EVIL because without it there would be no GOOD. Everything would simply be neutral by human definitions.

efore tackling a concept like consciousness in its total, we would first have to be able to tackle understanding things from outside the human perception. Unfortunately, everything completed in a line of research would be completed from the human perception. Hence the real limitation. That's if your ego allows you to believe in such a thing as a total consciousness beyond a human. As I said, this was a fun and entertaining read, but don't take it too seriously. To equate human perception to an illusion is to remove one of the most important elements to humans understanding anything.
 problem with this is the concept of time is infinitesimal (you can keep breaking time up into smaller fractions). therefore with this concept in mind the amount of "now's must also be infinitesimal. Also the fact that these "nows" would have to be arranged in a particular order for specific things to happen (cause effect relationships) again at least gives rise to the concept of time.
We can’t solely say if the big bang didn't happen we wouldn't be here today. Neither can we say because we are in the biblical present that it doesn't mean that the big bang didn't exist and because if it didn't exist we would cease to exist in creation story.
 agree with the idea that time doesn't exist. It's more logical to use the term energy, for example how much energy/distance needed to move through space from one place to another. "If you're depressed, you're living in the past. If you're anxious, you're living in the future. If you're at peace, you're living in the present." -Lao Tzu. People should care less about living in anything but the present, because when it comes down to it, it's the present that really matter

 we grow old because of time or because of our energy is dwindling in the now? Is it wrong to grow old in the present while hoping for the future?  We grow old anyhow in the now not in the future. Our old age does not happen in isolation of now.  I am already old in the now aren’t growing old any more.  In other words to my view is that if at one moment in the now I appeared to be young its because in the same moment I appeared to be not old because I was old enough to appear young while I was old. I exist in the timeliness of effect and course. I exit in the now. But how can we explain the aging process of living beings? If it isn’t happening through time... how come it exists?

Why does time point optimistically to the future and not now?  Why should I think I will be better in the future instead of now? My pain exist in the now not in the future, why should my happiness be somehow miraculously be pegged in the future?  Why should I think I will die sometime in the future of the unknown? Instead of now of the present! Why should I not realize that I have already died in the now and that not in the past neither in the future shall I die but in the present of now that exist?!” ~Njoroge wa Ngige~

 one keeps track of time better than Ferenc Krausz. In his lab at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, he has clocked the shortest time intervals ever observed. Krausz uses ultraviolet laser pulses to track the absurdly brief quantum leaps of electrons within atoms. The events he probes last for about 100 attoseconds, or 100 quintillionths of a second. For a little perspective, 100 attoseconds is to one second as a second is to 300 million years.

 even Krausz works far from the frontier of time. There is a temporal realm called the Planck scale, where even attoseconds drag by like eons. It marks the edge of known physics, a region where distances and intervals are so short that the very concepts of time and space start to break down. Planck time—the smallest unit of time that has any physical meaning—is 10-43 second, less than a trillionth of a trillionth of an attosecond. Beyond that? Tempus incognito. At least for now.

Richard Feynman once quipped that "Time is what happens when nothing else does." But Julian Barbour disagrees {Author of} “The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics “: if nothing happened, if nothing changed, then time would stop. For time is nothing but change. It is change that we perceive occurring all around us, not time. Put simply, time does not exist.
In this highly provocative volume, Barbour presents the basic evidence for a timeless universe, and shows why we still experience the world as intensely temporal. It is a book that strikes at the heart of modern physics. It casts doubt on Einstein's greatest contribution, the spacetime continuum, but also points to the solution of one of the great paradoxes of modern science, the chasm between classical and quantum physics

If you try to get your hands on time, it’s always slipping through your fingers,” says Barbour. “People are sure time is there, but they can’t get hold of it. My feeling is that they can’t get hold of it because it isn’t there at all.” Barbour speaks with a disarming English charm that belies an iron resolve and confidence in his science. His extreme perspective comes from years of looking into the heart of both classical and quantum physics. Isaac Newton thought of time as a river flowing at the same rate everywhere. Einstein changed this picture by unifying space and time into a single 4-D entity. But even Einstein failed to challenge the concept of time as a measure of change. In Barbour’s view, the question must be turned on its head. It is change that provides the illusion of time. Channeling the ghost of Parmenides, Barbour sees each individual moment as a whole, complete and existing in its own right. He calls these moments “Nows.”
 person who ate breakfast this morning is not the same person reading this sentence. This is the truest thing anyone could understand. It seems odd and abstract but even if you are just considering the atoms that make up your body the matter before you ate breakfast and after is completely different. This should also be comforting. The point of life isn't to avoid bad moments and strive for good. It is to learn from each moment good or bad. By learning we are changing and evolving. This is the supreme goal.
According to discovermagazine.com, in Physics your life is described by a series of slices of your worm; you as a baby, you as you ate breakfast this morning, you as you started reading this sentence and so on, with each slice existing motionless in its respective time. We generate time’s flow by thinking that the same self that ate breakfast this morning also started reading this sentence.
In my humble submission however, We forget that the same self that has not been in conception has not existed as a baby neither ate breakfast this morning nor will eventually read this piece at some point in “time” in the now so to speak because in the very token of argument everything that exists is in the now not past or the future.  What is your now if you have the past and the future?
y Now is the God of all creation who was the beginning and has no end. He is still creating me and forming me to a creature that is ever fearfully made every moment in time of now and beyond.  A creature that has never existed in humanity todays concept of time. Time never stops, Do not stop yourself because time will not stop you.

By Njoroge wa Ngige ‘a blogger and motivational speaker in the moment of time” 091815-0353

Saturday, 12 September 2015

The haunting image!

The haunting image!

The easiest thing to offer in the world is an opinion, everybody has one, we become so judgmental while the enemy is roaming for an open door. Virtually everybody has become an unwarranted  expert in matters reality and fiction. We cannot separate easily the evil from love, lest we are put in coma by a pseudo rogue doctor with sedation herb from hell and ruin our dreams with misdiagnosed cancer of abuse and 'Gomoran'  injections.   For the evil is coated with sugar,  love is smeared with honey, our thoughts says this and that but our words and actions says a complete  different story. We ruin our days even before we begin them. Our sun sets  moments after rising. We many a times think life is a cookie jar that never runs dry and we keep dipping our hands in the same pot expecting a different taste. Is it  because our life has become so twisted that the middle finger has become crooked as a near normal of perfect chaos? Do not provide me with an over the counter remedy because that’s all we have become….…Yes you are right the middle finger society.  We can never say "let there be light and the light appears" because our  eyes are truckloads of  forest logs yet we can dissect a spec in brothers eye with a precision that defies the laws of gravity.  Holy than though attitude you know. We do not need any comfort; no we need a serious thorough whooping of soul searching as a people.

I am angry. I am angry with our pretense. I am angry that we have become insensitive to life. I am weeping. I am mourning. I am overwhelmed with distress calls in the wilderness.  We have lost the case to the Greek advocates and the fathers of faith with exceptional knowledge now that we think we have protocol and expertise procedures to know what omnipotence God knows. The truth is greater than facts. 

A 3 year old Syrian boy has been washed dead a shore as we watched from comfort of our balcony ‘Manyattas’. The haunting image of the man's three-year-old son, Aylan Kurdi, washed up on a Turkish beach focused the world's attention on the wave of migration fueled by war and deprivation.  A very disturbing picture in the sea of growing global hopelessness.  The bold statement that run in my mind was “the world is not with you in conception but truly remains with you united at the shore of dead”.  Why should it take a lifeless body of 3 years old boy washed at the shore for the world to react? It’s because the world has not yet compassionately genuinely acted? There are two voices that are going around in this mother earth the voice of death and the voice of life. It really matter what you are listening to. Time is running out to choose which side you are at. I hope you choose life.

The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus Wept” Just two simple words, and yet they carry a world of significance. John 11:35 is the shortest verse in all of the Bible, but one of its most powerful, and insightful. Rightly was this tiniest of sentences assigned its own number. Here we find a remarkable glimpse into the glory of the Lord of the universe. His Human Emotions. “A man of sorrows,” the prophet foretold, “and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3). Yes, he was a man of sorrows, but not his own. “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows” (Isaiah 53:4). Because his love is great, he made our pains his own.
It’s not inherently impressive to have a king that cries. But it is a great comfort to have a sovereign who not only knows our frame (Psalm 103:14) and what is in us (John 2:25), but also shares in our flesh and blood (Hebrews 2:14). In my humble submission the global community especial the political world has yet to weep. The world even after seeing the plight of refugees, unnecessary wars of commission and omission in the global map, inaction and self-justification and God knows what chest thumping of opposing sides is not who is it but its whoever loses his life will find it. The world has yet to lose her life its only loosing statics.

God himself has taken on our humanity in this man. And with it, our feelings. And with them, even our sorrows. We are finite and frail. But God gave us mighty emotions. We celebrate. We grieve. We rejoice. We weep. And we do so with Jesus as one of us.

I am not accusing in this blog, I am interceding with the very power of a bleeding pen, the authentic truth, of the politically accused voice. I am not here to be politically correct when an innocent child lifeless body is washed a shore in icy cold water in Turkey.   You still wonder why we are so called to be like children ?so that we inherit the kingdom of God. The world has become an overgrown adult while the test of time asks for people who can here Gods voice and become children once again. Becoming children is simple. If you put 3 year old children in one room they will speak the language of children and play together even when they have never lived together. The world is yet to speak in child’s voice in our 21st century. We are still evolving in our own human paradoxes. Inherently bent towards evil, destruction and squeezing lifeless bodies washed ashore.

Jesus wept not because he lacked faith, but because he was full of love. In love, he weeps with those who weep. “When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled” (John 11:33). The world is yet to weep with those who weep live alone the little boys drowning daily and washed ashore in the sea of world sorrows that they never created.

According to the UN Every year in Syria the conflict has seen an exponential growth in refugees. It began with the Arab spring that we so warmed our selves with celebrating with every government fall in North Africa and Arab middle East fell. The world even assisted in bombing some “axes of evil” with impunity. In 2012, there were 100,000 refugees. By April 2013, there were 800,000. That doubled to 1.6 million in less than four months. There are now four million Syrians scattered throughout the region, making them the world's largest refugee population under the United Nations' mandate. 3.  Over half a million of those refugees are children under the age of 18.

At this rate, the U.N. predicts there could be 4.27 million Syrian refugees by the end of 2015 — the worst exodus since the Rwandan genocide 20 years ago of which the world did nothing as Hutus and Tutsis hacked each other throats with machetes. The only thing the ‘world’ lived to show in dismay was a film under the title “Hotel Rwanda”.

All we care about is our own image. Currently Europe is in crisis. Refugees glare their ugly heads from every corner of Eastern to Western Europe. In Syria alone more than 11 million people are displaced, thus far — and the increasingly dire impact on neighboring countries can seem too overwhelming to bare.  According to UNHCR, because of the refugee influx, Lebanon is close to having the population it was expected to have in 2050.

In Kenya alone the country is devastated with refugee’s crises from Somalia a country that has not known rule of law and has been a failed state for over twenty years.. Picture this because of insecurity and chaos in Somalia their elections have been held in Kenya over years. The President of Somalia has virtually ruled Somalia while in fact living in Kenya. After numerous terrorist attacks that have claimed  hundreds of innocent lives in Kenya,  Kenya’s government was sharply criticized last few months for vowing to close Dadaab, one of the world’s oldest and largest refugee complexes since 1991 home to more than 350,000 Somalis, about 60 miles from its border with Somalia.

I think I am expecting so much to ask the world to weep with me. No we can’t weep, because our thick blood shot eyes oozes blood. The tears duct run dry with corruption and the water that flows from our showers and streams are full of hate. It is sad to be in a world that views weeping an emotional weakness. In such reality the fathers will keep burying their sons washed dead and mothers will keep on experiencing labour pains in the high seas. Its Such a sad world. A hopelessness of tragedy. The world needs to fix the refugees crises urgently and stop arming warring functions to avert generation genocide. Just my two cents of wisdom falling on waxed ears. We must encounter Gods healing power in times of crisis but we must however act as rational humans who genuinely seek healing.

By Njoroge wa Ngige  091215-   0325

Monday, 7 September 2015

Tiga! Tiwe

Tiga! Tiwe

Nii ndinagwiciria  ni Ngai Ukwendete
Ndina kwihoka ni Ngai tha ciake
Ndiakwiriririe ni Ngai Gukumba
Naguo riri wake wakenga gukenga
Niguo riri wake wahumbwo umuthi

Ndiokire gukuona we urimuruaru
Ndathire Kanitha Nyumbaini ya Ngai
Ngikuneana mahoyaini makwa
Nake Munyumbi akigua ihoya riakwa

Titondu ndi mwega no nitha ciake
Ciambiriririe haria, haria kimbiriria
Akiamba kumba thi, ningi Akiumba Mundu
Niguo amugocithie maunduini mothe

Tiga gwicokia ati ndakwendete
Akwendete tari owe wiki thii iino
Akwaragiririria utare na wakiri
Agagucirira kuri thuiini ciaku

Tiga kwiamba ati ni hinya waku
Githomo giaku kana ugi waku
Muhuko waku kana wara waku

Ngai agikumba ndari na mawara.

By Njoroge wa Ngige 090715= 2359



Nyota Maita Nyota ni Nyota na ti Njata
Tundu Wathii kwa Nyota na Nyota, Nyota ndangikunyotora
Waikara kwa Nyota na Nyota ndurinyotoka 
Wate Nyota ciaku No uricamania na Nyota iingi
Nyota ikurie Uranyotio nikii mwina Nyota
Wanyota ni maii wanyua ndubia?
Wanyotio ni Riua wathii guota Mwaki?
Wanyotio ni Uki Ndukanyue ruhia
Tondu nyota ya Rwigi ti ya Kimbu
Nyota ni Mithemba miingi
Nyota ya Ngoro, Mwiri na Meciiria
Nyota immwe ni cia kugegania 
Tagukunikiria nyota inyotete ni nyota
Nyota imwe ni cia gukunorwo na nyota
Nyota ingi ni cia cebecebe
wee wi Nyota ya kunyoterwo ii
Kana Nyota ya Kunyotora Nyota?
Nyota to ya Mung'aro
Nita kuigua gakarakara mumero
Kurungurirwo na kuira ngoro
Ta Gitunguru kiruriire maitho
Kana kabiribiri ga kanugu Ki iniuru
HeeHee hetchyoooo!
Ngoro hakuhi ithame
Gwathimura gwaku ti homa ni Kunyota
Kwa uguo Maundu ni meri
Ukunde Maii
No muhaka ukorwo na nyota Muturireine
Tauria Unyotagio ni Nyota
Nigetha wone giagukunyotora 
Nonginya umenye nyota yaku niiriku
Ni ya ma ii kana ni ya wara maheni mahana ma
Ni nyota icamaii kana imurio uria uninaga magego
Ugatuika King'uru wina Nyota
twakuria King'uru Mwana enau?
Ukauga ena King'ethu wa Nyota.
Ni ihinda riaku ria Kunyotoka.

By Njoroge wa Ngige  090715-2004

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Listening Talking

Its not true to say "I understand you" how can that be? I am not you? I cant even understand my self. When I understand you no more growth. I am still listening to my self so that I can hear you. How long that will take I don't know. But as long as you keep talking I am not listening, when you start communicating I will listen, I cant yet promise I will understand but I will try. Toddlers talk, grown ups communicate. For how long have you been talking instead of communicating, walking instead of running, rolling instead of stopping, watching instead of seeing, hearing instead of listening, eating instead of feeding, earning instead of paying, paying instead of earning, giving instead of receiving because you were taught its only giving you can receive? How can you give what you have not received? going instead of coming, loving instead of being hateful friends, worrying instead of inspiring, awake instead of sleeping, why are you reading this instead of reciting this writing and drawing conclusions, because you are busy trying to understand what am saying, you will never understand what I am saying until I stop saying it. ~Original thoughts By.... Yes you thought its somebody else but its me~ coz you are not listening ..... I am still here and not yet there!

By Njoroge wa Ngige 0962015-0751

Friday, 4 September 2015



Ndungiona Kiria wendete ukuona kiria ukwenda
Ndungiugua uria utaugiite Ukuigua uria ugite
Ndungiugua uria maugiti utaiguite uria uugite
Ndungiona kiria utonete utari wonete iyo.
Utoi nduii nduii na nduii nduii nduii

Ndungimenya uria utoi utoii uii nduii
Ndungigua uria utoi ukugua uria uii
Ndungithie kuria utoi utathiete kuria uii
Ukumenya uria uramenya utari wa menya menya

Menye menye ni ciao menya menya ni ciaku
Menya menya ni ciaku utari watuika kimenyi
Kimenyi amenye ciake, Kimenyi amenye ciaku
Tundu wee ni kimenyi na nduii ni kimenyi
Kimenyi uria Waicere, Kahiu kahiu gatuhu
Amenyukie na ciene Amenyurie na ciaku
Tundu wee wi kaihuri na ndukiri waihura
Umenye kimenyi menyi ucoke wee umumumunye.

By Njoroge wa Ngige 090415-0759

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Be in motion

Be in motion

The fact that I am still here it means I have lots of ground to cover. Lots of pain to endure, lots of perseverance. If i don't feel pain I am dead, pain tells me I still got to fight, I am alive. If it was easy many would have succeed without failing, if it was an achievable nobody would have given an experience or left a legendary sweat. If there are no questions no answers expected. The cutest thing has not happened yet. if I am not in the Arena creating it living the dream, smelling the vision its only that it has not happened yet..not that it is not there. I am not just here expecting a miracle I am a miraculous self. I am not here to fix things I am here to leave a successful tradition of triumphant through life with a smile even when there are things to be fixed. 

There are many times I have felt the morning sleep always inviting, tempting too but I got to get up and be in motion. As long as I am in motion life will always improve towards greatness. I have made litany of excuses, if I don't want to do it I have always come up with an excuse. Life knows not excuses, its real and truthful as fate can be. Its a commitment, a conviction. I got to let go fear, illegitimate fear that kills excitement and spectacles of life. Either way I go to decide. The greatest poem has not been written, the wonderful testimony has not been heard, and the greatest leader is yet to lead. I am one but a third person must emerge. The first person already past, the present person stopping the third evident person, for he is scared of the abundant possibilities of the third self. 

I am the victim, the judge and the jury who is guilty of innocence. Do not kill your dreams the world is waiting for your rebirth or your death sooner or later, this is the new line of the next chapter playing in my mind. I am suffering from a rare immune disorder of procrastination, battling a preexisting condition dancing in the rain earning pay check to pay check. I have admitted my self to high dependence ward of worrying without discharge date until I inject my self with the hope dose of life, I must get up, I will not do it I am doing it instead, I accept it not as a challenge but a possibility to create the things I love without worrying, complaining or waiting for ever available critics approval. I set my mind free without the fear of failing. I must compensate the future with the right action today. So help Me God.

By Njoroge wa Ngige 090315-1238