I come from a family of don Acrididae a species that can breed rapidly under suitable conditions and subsequently become gregarious and migratory when our populations become dense enough. Can travel great distances, consuming literally all green material wherever the swarm settles. I am an edible delicacy considered a deli carious delicious culinary in some countries. Who Am I? My name is Ngige a dessert Locust . You cross my path I discharge famine fumes that will last you generations to come, beyond 1858 when a Njoroge riika (initiation age set) was initiated in Kenya’s Kikuyu tribe. I might be generous to cast you a generous spell baptizing you with lightning and thunder Because I am Samuel The Ecclesiastic Late Latin form of the Ecclesiastic Greek Samouel, which is from the Hebrew Shmuel, a name derived from shěmū’ē‘l (name of God, his name is God) literally meaning "God Heard" or "God Hears". The only name Spelled the same in English, French, Hungarian, Spanish, Portuguese and Polish but in the Seventh dialect of Kikuyu my mother tongue spelt Thamweli. Pronunciation: SA-myoo-əl .That’s why I speak seven languages with seven accents.
That’s who IAM. I am a trade mark, a brand noble name -Ngige Njoroge Samuel-.
That’s who IAM. I am a trade mark, a brand noble name -Ngige Njoroge Samuel-.
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