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Saturday, 15 November 2014

Beauty & Beholder

Beauty isn't in the eyes of the beholder!!

What is beauty we all ask?
Who is asking this question?
Who is answering this question?
Will I be pretty in the morning?
Or the nights that follow

The mirror is blind
Unless I illuminate it
It’s no longer a mirror
Mirroring in self
I am brand new second hand.
Will I be reached if I answered this question?
By the eyes of the beholder
What if he is ‘holding’ hot air?
Lighter than helium
Or explode
Like hot air balloon
Or burn like
Frost in winter
I bet you don’t know
Me either
Coz beauty is discovery
A journey
An experience
 Beauty is the future?

Whatever lies ahead is, shall, will and there is
Truth in all angles
The futures is not for us to see
But to believe before we see
Or we are quickly forgotten
Living in the present proclaiming the beauty of tomorrow
Tomorrow may never be
Coz today is the tomorrow you worried yesterday

Tarring me apart
Back to the original thought
What is beauty?
Beauty is urembo utu
It’s inwardly glowing outwardly
The conscious of the heart
 Truth that sets self-free
Beauty is freedom of Uhuru

Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder
Beholder can’t necessarily have eyes
If so
We reduce beauty in vision only
And can’t see in his own eyes
The log in tide low
Coz can’t wait in vain
To feel the true essence of beauty
Instead of beholding in the visionary eyes

For anybody’s love
Beauty is beholder and the holder
Can only give what you got
Withdraw what you bank
And bank what you got
What you got is beauty.
Beauty is you.
You are beautiful not handsome.

Njoroge wa Ngige……11/15/14 ….03:40 hours

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